Овој веб сајт користи колачиња "Cookies"

Би сакале да користиме веб колачиња "Cookies", со цел да го подобриме Вашето корисничко искуство на нашата апликација. Ова ни овозможува да го подобриме Вашето идно искуство на нашата апликација

English - Services


In order to meet the needs of the registered churches, religious communities and religious groups, as well as the citizens, in different inhabited places, the Commission will, through its permanent service, takes care of better monitoring of the situations in each local self-government unit. That is why the Commission appointed administrative officers in charge of each municipality. Thus, the representatives of religious groups and the citizens of a particular municipality can contact the designated administrative officer about any issues and problems they face.

If you like to file a complaint, to share a problem or get information on a variety of issues, choose your municipality and contact the designated administrative officer.